Monday, August 26, 2013

Of Bugs and Problems

Many of you know how I feel about BUGS in our home.  For anyone not knowing yet, let me be clear.  DIE BUG DIE.... clear enough? 

When we somehow had uninvited guests arrive, set up house keeping and were subversively planning a coup d'etat upon our unsuspecting household I WOKE UP from a very long emotional sleep.  Bed Bugs.  Oh my the big one because they are so very resourceful, insidious, lying, cheating little bastards who only come out in the middle of the night when we are in deepest sleep to work their own personal plan.  We are and will be forever grateful to them and the fact that we have not seen one in over 5 weeks now but today will flip the mattresses, inspect under the bed and reapply dust as insurance. 

Why am I grateful to these little buggers?  Because they woke me up in a HUGE way that the previous years roach escapade somehow failed to manage.  We are supposing that getting roaches from the neighbors who moved in next door to us was just not BIG enough to do the job.  OH that escapade woke us up to a small degree but certainly not the mania that bed bugs sent us into. 

Our physical social circle of friends were drug along the complete cycle of the event along with me as it was over whelming, consumed our every moments thoughts and the terror of it all has not seen the equal in any scary movie to date.  I completely quarantined us except for my Partner going to work or a quick visit to the store to contain the little monsters.  Only through containment could we assault them with our counter attack.  Yes, it still is quite vivid in our memory and just this past few days have we been able to go to bed without a full check of the bedroom, walls, door frames, window frames, behind dressers, under bed, under blankets etc.  We still continue to place anything cloth that has been "sterilized" into white trash bags then seal them shut before storing them until needed to be used unless they are being placed into a container which has been prepared for them. 

OK so now that we have gone through a little post traumatic stress with you over it, lets get onto why we wanted to write this today.

One thing that people said while trying to calm me was this:

You had no choice regarding getting them
You have a choice regarding keeping them

What a wonderful statement to take with us through out life.  It is a mantra in our thought patterns now when we think of a problem in our lives.  Now wasn't that worth getting bugs for?  I mean how utterly fantastic is that?  We woke up AND we found something to hold onto during our darkest hours.  We had a choice (which was the first weeks mental assault upon our mentally ill brain) of trying to figure out where it came from and place blame OR to get busy and KILL THEM ALL.

Wishing you a bug free/problem free day OR a sprayer full of OUT YOU GO. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Sharing our Intimate Self with Friends

One of the most frightening things in the world is to share our authentic selves with others.  We know, from early childhood, by blending in with others the perception will be one of competence, one of familiarity and one of warmth.  The others will feel comfortable sharing in return which has a pretty darn good chance of becoming an opening for a possible friendship. 

For the lonely, for the misfits, for the absolutely fantastic unique individuals not fitting into this mold we hide to prevent becoming ostracized.  Becoming ostracized from groups became the normal, usually in early childhood.  We were not chosen for teams.  We were considered weird, different, defective.  We were pushed aside in lines and bullied with adults doing absolutely nothing to help.  These actions by our "normal" compatriots eventually eroded our self esteem.  Being "different" was not a good thing, in fact it cost in ways which were often insidious by the very ways in which our uniqueness was exposed then ridiculed before becoming banished once again from a circle in which we felt free to be ourselves. 

Humans are a pack animal and our very survival depends upon our standing within the pack.  I really don't think I need to go into any more detail than this as we can easily view how people in a certain fraternity are handed opportunities that those not in that group will never have.  Promotions are based upon who one knows rather than what one knows. 

Enough unique individuals are of adult age now to question the validity of the old paradigm.  We, through exploring history, can easily see that it is the persons with a unique mind who gave the world most of what it considers the most precious.  Sadly, these people were ostracized equally to ourselves and only accepted on the surface of any group wishing to receive the reward of that Unique mind.  One trait that I have noticed, that seems to span those of a unique mind, is one of generosity.  Sharing their gift was never an issue therefor they were used. 

Slowly we have been questioning the very sanity of what is considered normal and in many cases raging against those arcane and antiquated ideas.  It is much more difficult to have a person of uniqueness thrown into a hospital and hidden from the world as insane these days. 

The royalty of our human race would prefer that we continue to know our place, stop questioning their methods and be good.  The problem is that we can not do this because we refuse to be "dumbed down".  We refuse to stay silent any longer.  We refuse to withhold the gifts which can only come from a mind thinking differently from the world.  It is only through these gifts that the human race will survive because our reliance on oil, coal, our polluting the very planet we rely upon must come to a stop.  The royalty has no stake in stopping it but they do have a stake in keeping those who are brave enough to speak their unique truth quiet. 

Lets not be quiet......